Information: |
Company Name: |
Policy Effective Date: |
Company Type: |
Number of Employees: |
Mailing Address: |
Street: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Web Site Address: |
Contact Name: |
Phone Number: |
Email Address: |
Inspection Contact Name: |
Inspection Phone Number: |
Inspection Email Address: |
Accounting Contact Name: |
Accounting Phone Number: |
Accounting Email Address: |
Year Founded: |
Information: |
Location #1: |
Check here if the same as the mailing address |
Street: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Year Built |
Inside / Outside City Limits |
Interest |
Construction Type: |
Building: |
$ |
Personal Property: |
$ |
Computers |
$ |
Research & Development Property: |
$ |
Location #2: |
Check here if the same as the mailing
address |
Street: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Year Built |
Inside / Outside City Limits |
Interest |
Construction Type: |
Building: |
$ |
Personal Property: |
$ |
Computers |
$ |
Research & Development Property: |
$ |
Information: Explain all YES responses in
Remarks. |
Is the applicant a subsidiary of another entity or does the applicant
have any subsidiaries? |
Is a formal safety program in operation? |
Any exposure to flammables, explosives, chemicals?
Any catastrophe exposure? |
Any other insurance with this company or being submitted? |
Any policy or coverage declined, cancelled or non-renewed during the
prior 3 years? |
Any past losses or claims relating to sexual abuse or molestation
allegations, discrimination or negligent hiring? |
During the last ten years, has any applicant been convicted of any
degree of the crime of arson? |
Any uncorrected fire code violations? |
Any bankruptcies, tax or credit liens against the applicant in the
past 5 years? |
Liability: |
Projected Sales (U.S. plus Foreign): |
$ |
General Aggregate Limit: |
$ |
Each Occurrence: |
$ |
Products / Completed Operations: |
$ |
Personal Injury/Advertising: |
$ |
Medical Expense: |
$ |
Fire Legal Liability: |
$ |
Employee Benefit Liability: |
$ |
History: |
Concerning the coverage for which you are applying, have you had more
than 3 losses in the last five years?
For losses you have had, please quantify and describe: |
Have any of your losses exceeded $10,000?
Have you received any complaint letters from customers or competitors
in the last three years?
If yes, please explain: |
Comments: |
Additional Comments or Information: |